INSTRUCTIONS FOR ANKI USERS ============================================================== To open a tgz file: $ tar xvzf.tgz A set of directories will be created containing web pages for the cards. The `card_front_sides.t' file contains a set of possible front sides for the Anki cards. Type something similar into your new cards. On the reverse, click on the red triangle to the right of the editor tool-bar and select the HTML editor. Now set up the link: If you copy the card directories to your web server page (e.g. /var/www/html/anki/cc10) and have your web-server set up, type in the following code - card1 If you copy the card directories into you Anki home - e.g `Documents/Anki/User 1', then the link becomes card1 - Note: Please verify this When you now click `Show answer', this link will be shown, which you can click to see the corresponding page. DO NOT ADD ALL THE CARDS AT THE BEGINNING, BUT RATHER AS THE CLASS PROGRESSES. Otherwise you will be asked to study cards that have not been covered as yet!